GpLists 17.slon
Version 1.59
used in:
Various TList descendants and TList-compatible classes.

TGpIntegerList is a TList-compatible class used to store integers.

TGpIntegerObjectList is a TGpIntegerList descendant used to store integers and associated objects.

TGpCountedIntegerList is a TGpIntegerList descendant used to store pairs of 32-bit integers.

TGpInt64List is a TList-compatible class used to store int64 numbers.

TGpInt64ObjectList is a TGpInt64List descendant used to store int64 numbers and associated objects.

TGpCountedInt64List is a TGpInt64List descendant used to store int64 numbers and associated 64-bit integers.

TGpCountedStringList is a TStringList descendant that has each string item associated with an integer counter (internally stored in the Objects property).

TGpTMethodList is a list of TMethod records.

TGpClassList is a list of (class name, class type) pairs.

TGpFifoBuffer is a list of TGUIDs.

TGpObjectRingBuffer is a fixed-sized ring buffer of TObject references.

TGpObjectMap is one-dimensional array, indexed by objects and containing objects.

TGpObjectObjectMap is two-dimensional array, indexed by objects and containing objects.

TGpDoublyLinkedList is doubly-linked list of TGpDoublyLinkedListObject descendants.

TGpFifoBuffer is a limited size first-in-first-out buffer.

Released under the BSD License.



Last modifications

1.59: 2012-01-23

  • Added method FreeObjects to TGpIntegerObjectList and TGpInt64ObjectList.
  • Implemented limited size FIFO buffer - TGpFIFOBuffer.
  • Find functions check (in Assert) if the list is sorted.
  •  Added TGpIntegerObjectList<T>, a thin wrapper around TGpIntegerObjectList (D2010+).
  •  Added TGpInterfaceList<T>, a thin wrapper aroung TList<T>, which implements IGpInterfaceList<T> (D2010+).
  • All lists classes implement appropriate interface (for example, TGpIntegerList implements IGpIntegerList).
  • Each list implements class function CreateInterface which creates corresponding interface-implementing object.
  • Speed optimizations in TGpDoublyLinkedList.
  • Added class TGpWideString.

1.49: 2011-01-02

  • Implemented TGpGUIDList, a TGUID list.
Last update: 2012-05-10